Thursday, April 25, 2013



I know its been a long time since I blogged. I have been diligently working on a book project s due out by fall/winter.While writing, I am still playing taxi, chef, maid, wife, mom and dogs best friend! I am not complaining, I  love every bit of it but writing placed in the mix of things can make for some crazy days! 
I  plan to blog again full time by mid summer. I am very excited to share this book/study with everyone very soon  The book is called " Run In Such A Way" we will break down 1 corinthians 9:24-27 which states...

24 Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize. 25 Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last, but we do it to get a crown that will last forever. 26 Therefore I do not run like someone running aimlessly; I do not fight like a boxer beating the air. 27 No, I strike a blow to my body and make it my slave so that after I have preached to others, I myself will not be disqualified for the prize.

This fall I will offer the study online for those interested. Be on the look out for some great things. I just wanted to touch base and share the visions of things to come.
I will also be running my second marathon in October 2013 so I am sure you will hear about those training runs in the months to come!

Lets do a quick little devotion together!

Think about this verse with me:
" let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus."
Hebrews 12:1-2

In the race of life, the joy of knowing Jesus is what its all about!

Life's tests are worth the sweat, tears, training, and straining. Even when you think the next breath just might be your last due to the difficulty, mentally picture yourself  pulling your head up, and keeping your eyes on the prize.

"When I see the vision God has for my life, even as I am mired in the mundane, I can keep running. When I see the tapestry of life, even as I live on the edge of a frayed thread, I can keep trying. "

But inevitably, my head gets heavy with the weight of the worries or problems. My head droops even as I "will it" to look forward.
When I run my legs get so tired and sore and full of weight that I just want to stop and quit... This is when I need to  tell myself, "Keep going, you can do it!"

My race friends cheer me on,  reminding me to keep my chin up. Yet my head drops, full of doubt and fear.

We all hit WALLS in life.
I will be spending a whole chapter in the book on our HUMPS in life.
Whether it be our marriages, family relationships, fiances or careers. We HIT those ugly humps!

You and I have so many opportunities to feel sad or discouraged leading to a bad attitude, but God wants us to stay strong in Him. Those who do this will eventually come out on top, because there’s no way the enemy can hold you  back if you will trust God and keep your hope in Him.

Train yourself to Trust Your Helper

Not only will God deliver you, but He will also sustain you while you’re waiting for your breakthrough. He keeps us strong while we’re waiting and keeps us from going under!

Even when we’re tempted to think, It’s not going to do me any good to pray after the way I’ve acted, we can’t let that stop us from asking for God’s help. Why is that? Because when we go to the Father in prayer, we don’t go in our name…we go in the name of Jesus.
When you’re hurting, in trouble, or WAITING IN A MUDDY MESS you need to believe that your help has been sent out from heaven and it is on the way. God may not come early, but He won’t be late.

No matter what your circumstances look like or what the world may say, hang in there. Because help is on the way!

During my long runs I will be praying for marriages and families, let me know if you need prayer for your humps! I need something to pray about while running all those long miles. Let me take your humps to Jesus my friends!

Again, the enemy wants us to HIT the wall and stay down.
I pray when we do HIT those walls, we get back up even stronger with Gods help.

 I know its hard and you just want to give up but tell yourself that...


"strong is what happens when you RUN out of weak"N


Running with you my friends,

Love and blessings,