If you have any questions about God and your life purpose please email me today
click above to view todays blog over at EVERYDAY ANSWERS.
Friday, July 29, 2011
Thursday, July 28, 2011
A few days ago I was at the lake house swimming way out in the deep part and I was going underwater, swimming laps, diving off the dock and really have a good comfortable time. Now it's important to know that it took me time to warm up to the lake water swimming. I always feared weird creatures coming along side me when least expected or stepping on something that just feels weird underneath my feet. I get the chills thinking about it right now!
I was comfortable because I never ran into something that I feared. YET.....
Well just the other day I got out of the water and sat in one of my favorite chairs to dry off. A few minutes after relaxing my son Benjamin screams "Mom, hurry up and look, its a huge snake swimming in the lake!"
Yes, it sure was a big snake swimming
in the same spot I was in just a few minutes ago!
I now felt unsafe about my comfortable swimming surroundings. Let me just explain, if I was in that water just a few minutes longer I would have come in contact with that snake and I would have FREAKED OUT BIG TIME! JUST SAYIN.... Everyone on all ends of the lake would have heard me loud and clear. This was a large, long U G L Y black snake that had no business in my territory!
Today while reading the daily reading I almost fell out of my chair!
God sure wanted me to understand something about snakes. So this was a lesson for me and I am honored to share with you! I just love how God uses our daily circumstances and then speaks to us through His word to help us understand some things in this life.
BTW if you click on the date below it will bring the bible reading up for today, its that easy!
Lets zoom in on this passage
3 Paul gathered a pile of brushwood and, as he put it on the fire, a viper, driven out by the heat, fastened itself on his hand. 4 When the islanders saw the snake hanging from his hand, they said to each other, “This man must be a murderer; for though he escaped from the sea, the goddess Justice has not allowed him to live.” 5 But Paul shook the snake off into the fire and suffered no ill effects. 6 The people expected him to swell up or suddenly fall dead; but after waiting a long time and seeing nothing unusual happen to him, they changed their minds and said he was a god.
Let me share what I learned...
Paul in scripture was being a faithful servant to God and after enduing many days on the sea and the long cold swim to shore he decided to gather a pile of sticks for a fire.
Paul without knowing picked up this snake as he was gathering the sticks. Does that not give you the creeps? When he put the branches in the fire the snake took his way out: PAUL'S HAND!
Can you imagine a snake on your hand?
Like I said earlier, I would go crazy if that snake would have touched me. However, Paul responded with not a sound, he did not panic, scream, question God or become scared. Paul just SHOOK THE SNAKE OFF INTO THE FIRE.
Well friends here is our application...
In the word of God when you come across the term viper or snake it represents something sneaky, tempting or deceitful. The enemy is like a snake sneaking to kill, steal and destroy your lives. He will deceive and tempt you in all sorts of ways.
What did Paul do in scripture to keep the snake away?
Snakes cannot stand the heat. God is interested in doing a great work in your life. When God's fire burns the devil has to get out. I believe the devil knows who to attack and how to deceive. We all have different strongholds in life.
Are you allowing God to move in your life?
When you open the door to God and allow Him to stir up a fire it keeps the devil away.
Remember a fire must be tended. Paul in scripture gathered sticks and added to the fire.
God is wanting to add and offer more then we accept.
*Greater filling of the Holy Spirit
*A deeper wisdom for circumstances in your life
*More effectiveness in service
*Your character more conformed to Christ
*A more intimate relationship with Christ
How are you stirring or adding to the fire?
Remember today, if you have a snake tempting or deceiving you STIR UP A FIRE AND SHAKE HIM OFF. In other words get busy in the things of God.
Sometimes it's just getting to church on a Sunday. That alone will start a fire and get you to shake off the snakes in life.
Sometimes it finding those God friendships that stir your heart
This story taught me to be calm and smarter then the snake. Snakes will slither around us in life but if we stay stirred in the things of God they will not bother us. If they do try to hang around we need to learn from Paul to stay calm, focused in the things of God and SHAKE HIM OFF!
put off/shake off concerning the former conversation the old man, which is corrupt according to the deceitful lusts; And be renewed in the spirit of your mind; And that ye put on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness. Wherefore putting away lying, speak every man truth with his neighbour: for we are members one of another.
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
I took some time off to spend with family, complete my first book and work on making things fresher for HB MINISTRIES.
I know God is cutting away in areas of my life right now to prepare me for something better soon to come. I have been reminded this past month and during my break that the higher calling and blessings often exacts a high price.
God is all about aligning your desires so that He can accomplish the impossible in your life.
I have struggled this past month with my flesh, I have ADHD in many ways!
(Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder)
Focus and discipline do not come easy for me
BUT the deeper calling of wanting what God wants has kept me committed and unstoppable.
Before we visit today's brief devotional, I encourage you to visit the new website A special thanks to a Kari for shaping and creating all of this the past month.
You will notice also that we now have 2 blogs.
The first is still Drawing closer to the heart of God, with a NEW fresh look but still provides the daily bible reading, devotionals and on line bible studies.
The second blog is titled EVERYDAY ANSWERS and in this blog you will find a variety of topics with biblical answers for life's most difficult circumstances.
The homepage of my website will change frequently with a new featured topic created just you! This months topic is on EQUIPPING AND PREPARING FOR YOUR DIVINE DESTINY! Please pass this along to friends and family.
God has more in the works for the fall and I look forward to sharing new opportunities for you very soon!
Lastly if you or a friend is looking for a speaker for an event this year, I would be thrilled and honored to share my faith and passion while encouraging others to experience their purpose in Christ.
Take a look at the many TOPICS and event ideas that I host. I am open to whatever God has for your special event!
Thanks again for taking time and viewing the new website and blogs, please email me any time with suggestions or needs. HEATHER@HBMINISTRIES.COM, I would love to hear from you!
Today's bible reading explains perfectly why I do the things I do! In Acts chapter 27:27-44,(click the date at top of post to view entire reading online)
God used Paul to be a umbrella of protection covering many heads. Paul was occupying a tossing ship durin a terrible storm. Paul held the umbrella of Faith and obedience while becoming the influencer to several on board of that ship.
Life is like a ship and we will all experience storms with crashing waves. Many are looking for answers or umbrellas of safety in the midst of their personal storms.
Paul encouraged me today to lead by example, model with the right attitude and stay focused on the objectives not the obstacles.
Paul spoke boldly about his faith and obedience to Christ because He knew God needed him to be an influencer. God needed him to be an umbrella holder.
Today we all live on our own personal ships. Our children are on board along with family, friends and co-workers. When hurricane winds begin to blow the crew on board will look for an umbrella of blessing in the midst.
God has graciously given you many lives to sail with. Are you able to offer an umbrella of protection from destruction?
God loves you whether or not we are obedient, BUT the quality of our lives is dramatically affected by our response!
Do you have a friend holding an umbrella that provides you with safety and Godly encouragement?
God has a plan for your life my friend, may we learn and be encouraged today through a man named Paul, to examine our personal ships.
May we also take a look at who is under our umbrella and how we are being influenced!
I took some time off to spend with family, complete my first book and work on making things fresher for HB MINISTRIES.
I know God is cutting away in areas of my life right now to prepare me for something better soon to come. I have been reminded this past month and during my break that the higher calling and blessings often exacts a high price.
God is all about aligning your desires so that He can accomplish the impossible in your life.
I have struggled this past month with my flesh, I have ADHD in many ways!
(Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder)
Focus and discipline do not come easy for me
BUT the deeper calling of wanting what God wants has kept me committed and unstoppable.
Before we visit today's brief devotional, I encourage you to visit the new website A special thanks to a Kari for shaping and creating all of this the past month.
You will notice also that we now have 2 blogs.
The first is still Drawing closer to the heart of God, with a NEW fresh look but still provides the daily bible reading, devotionals and on line bible studies.
The second blog is titled EVERYDAY ANSWERS and in this blog you will find a variety of topics with biblical answers for life's most difficult circumstances.
The homepage of my website will change frequently with a new featured topic created just you! This months topic is on EQUIPPING AND PREPARING FOR YOUR DIVINE DESTINY! Please pass this along to friends and family.
God has more in the works for the fall and I look forward to sharing new opportunities for you very soon!
Lastly if you or a friend is looking for a speaker for an event this year, I would be thrilled and honored to share my faith and passion while encouraging others to experience their purpose in Christ.
Take a look at the many TOPICS and event ideas that I host. I am open to whatever God has for your special event!
Thanks again for taking time and viewing the new website and blogs, please email me any time with suggestions or needs. HEATHER@HBMINISTRIES.COM, I would love to hear from you!
Today's bible reading explains perfectly why I do the things I do! In Acts chapter 27:27-44,(click the date at top of post to view entire reading online)
God used Paul to be a umbrella of protection covering many heads. Paul was occupying a tossing ship durin a terrible storm. Paul held the umbrella of Faith and obedience while becoming the influencer to several on board of that ship.
Life is like a ship and we will all experience storms with crashing waves. Many are looking for answers or umbrellas of safety in the midst of their personal storms.
Paul encouraged me today to lead by example, model with the right attitude and stay focused on the objectives not the obstacles.
Paul spoke boldly about his faith and obedience to Christ because He knew God needed him to be an influencer. God needed him to be an umbrella holder.
Today we all live on our own personal ships. Our children are on board along with family, friends and co-workers. When hurricane winds begin to blow the crew on board will look for an umbrella of blessing in the midst.
God has graciously given you many lives to sail with. Are you able to offer an umbrella of protection from destruction?
God loves you whether or not we are obedient, BUT the quality of our lives is dramatically affected by our response!
Do you have a friend holding an umbrella that provides you with safety and Godly encouragement?
God has a plan for your life my friend, may we learn and be encouraged today through a man named Paul, to examine our personal ships.
May we also take a look at who is under our umbrella and how we are being influenced!
Friday, July 22, 2011
God Sized DREAMS start in "HIS" heart and then He places then in ours. Your DREAM will only come alive after you CROSS THE LINE OF FAITH!
Make a decision to Run with perseverance with God and forget the things which are behind and reach for the things that are before you!
You cannot expect your DESTINY to come falling out of the sky onto the road. Great things will only come with PERSEVERANCE, PRAYER, OBEDIENCE and SACRIFICE.
If you spent the last week, month or year face down from guilt, remorse or foolish mistakes it's time to align your thoughts with the thoughts of God and embrace HIS perspective, HIS ways, HIS truth, and HIS higher calling and perfect plan for your life
Remember today that God has HIGH HOPES and great expectations for you. God believes in you more than you do yourself.
I believe God is urging you to PUSH FORWARD and PURSUE your life long goals and DREAMS. The Holy Spirit desires to assist you in this mission. New gifts, talents and abilities will cross your path as you begin to focus forward and strive toward your God given purpose and DESTINY.
If you are interested in a DARE TO DREAM CONFERENCE this year, Please contact me and schedule for this life-changing event.
Click HERE for more details!
Make a decision to Run with perseverance with God and forget the things which are behind and reach for the things that are before you!
You cannot expect your DESTINY to come falling out of the sky onto the road. Great things will only come with PERSEVERANCE, PRAYER, OBEDIENCE and SACRIFICE.
If you spent the last week, month or year face down from guilt, remorse or foolish mistakes it's time to align your thoughts with the thoughts of God and embrace HIS perspective, HIS ways, HIS truth, and HIS higher calling and perfect plan for your life
Remember today that God has HIGH HOPES and great expectations for you. God believes in you more than you do yourself.
I believe God is urging you to PUSH FORWARD and PURSUE your life long goals and DREAMS. The Holy Spirit desires to assist you in this mission. New gifts, talents and abilities will cross your path as you begin to focus forward and strive toward your God given purpose and DESTINY.
If you are interested in a DARE TO DREAM CONFERENCE this year, Please contact me and schedule for this life-changing event.
Click HERE for more details!
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
He doesn't need me.
I can remember a day recently where my children called me constantly. “Mom, can you get me a cup?” “Mom, what are we going to do today?” “Mom, I’m hungry is it time for lunch?” “Mom, what’s for dinner?” “Mom, he took my toy.” “Mom...” “Mom...” “Mom...”
There are moments when I wonder if these needy times will suck the life right out of me. I wonder how I can possibly meet all of their needs. How can I give any more?
The God who made the world and everything in it, this Master of sky and land, doesn't live in custom-made shrines or need the human race to run errands for him, as if he couldn't take care of himself. He makes the creatures; the creatures don't make him. Starting from scratch, he made the entire human race and made the earth hospitable, with plenty of time and space for living so we could seek after God, and not just grope around in the dark but actually find him. He doesn't play hide-and-seek with us. He's not remote; he's near. We live and move in him, can't get away from him! One of your poets said it well: 'We're the God-created.' Acts 17:24-29 (MSG)
This passage stirs my heart. God made the world and everything in it. He doesn’t need me to do things for Him. He doesn’t need me for a specific purpose.
He doesn’t NEED anything from me.
He WANTS me. His only desire is for me to love Him, to spend time with Him and to know Him.
He WANTS me. Just as I am. I don’t have to impress Him. I don’t have to be “Super Mom”.
The Creator of the Universe is calling me. He is not playing games. He will not run or hide from me.
He WANTS me to seek Him because He has what I NEED.
He WANTS to give me the love, patience and wisdom I NEED to be a great wife, mother and friend.
He WANTS to give me the power I NEED to make better choices.
He WANTS to give me the direction I NEED to live the fulfilled life that He has planned for me.
But I, by your great love,
can come into your house;
in reverence I bow down
toward your holy temple.
can come into your house;
in reverence I bow down
toward your holy temple.
-Psalm 5:7
Thank you Father, for knowing exactly what I need for today and providing it for me. I am grateful that you don’t ask for more than I have to give. I find comfort in knowing that you love me just as I am. I am forever thankful that you make the sacrifices that I am unable to make. Please fill me today with your love and patience and light so that others will be drawn to you. In Jesus precious name, Amen.
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Visit Lynnette at her blog. |
Monday, July 11, 2011
Before we jump into today's GREAT lesson I want to let you know that the next few weeks will be very busy for me. I am preparing to leave for a large women's conference in North Carolina on July 22 and have a book proposal due for a workbook. I will be meeting with a book publisher during that conference time.
It has been very hard to prepare and focus with all the summer fun, family times that create lifetime memories and all the great sunshine. However, I am down to the last couple of weeks and I need to get serious. Please pray for me as I prepare for this conference. I will continue to blog as time allows but the daily blogs will pick back up consistently when I return.
Today I opened up to the book of PSALMS and did today's reading,PSALM 1-3. If you click the date above it will take you directly to the days reading.
It captured my heart and reminded me of the importance of Godly obedience.
When we decide to cross over in the bigger dreams then God begins to cut away. He wants to bless us so bad that it will blow our minds! God's ways are always about positioning us to receive help and blessings.
God is cutting away in several areas in my life at this present time...I know the areas and I admit that I struggle with obedience.
BUT, I refuse to slack off, I will keep doing what God told me to do.
In today's lesson we learn that God desires for us to examine, experience and evaluate our lives. When we meditate on Gods word and receive counsel from the right inner circle we will receive: STABILITY, INWARD NOURISHMENT AND REFRESHMENT, FRUITFULNESS AND PRODUCTIVITY, STRENGTH AND DURABILITY AND
Be careful where you get your counsel from. Many people want to help you prosper but counsel without God first will not fully prosper you in the long run. Our view of God is the most important thing about us.In the next few weeks we will be reading the book of psalms. This will help your heart capture the correct VIEW of God! I challenge you to examine your view and relationship with God.
Allow God to renew your heart today just by submitting your heart to His care, you cannot move forward into the next victor he has planned for you life until He has your heart!
God has a personalized calling for your life my friends!
I encourage you to read psalm 1... three times today!
Blessings and thanks for your prayers and encouragement in the next few weeks as I prepare for this July 22 conference!
Before we jump into today's GREAT lesson I want to let you know that the next few weeks will be very busy for me. I am preparing to leave for a large women's conference in North Carolina on July 22 and have a book proposal due for a workbook. I will be meeting with a book publisher during that conference time.
It has been very hard to prepare and focus with all the summer fun, family times that create lifetime memories and all the great sunshine. However, I am down to the last couple of weeks and I need to get serious. Please pray for me as I prepare for this conference. I will continue to blog as time allows but the daily blogs will pick back up consistently when I return.
Today I opened up to the book of PSALMS and did today's reading,PSALM 1-3. If you click the date above it will take you directly to the days reading.
It captured my heart and reminded me of the importance of Godly obedience.
When we decide to cross over in the bigger dreams then God begins to cut away. He wants to bless us so bad that it will blow our minds! God's ways are always about positioning us to receive help and blessings.
God is cutting away in several areas in my life at this present time...I know the areas and I admit that I struggle with obedience.
BUT, I refuse to slack off, I will keep doing what God told me to do.
In today's lesson we learn that God desires for us to examine, experience and evaluate our lives. When we meditate on Gods word and receive counsel from the right inner circle we will receive: STABILITY, INWARD NOURISHMENT AND REFRESHMENT, FRUITFULNESS AND PRODUCTIVITY, STRENGTH AND DURABILITY AND
Be careful where you get your counsel from. Many people want to help you prosper but counsel without God first will not fully prosper you in the long run. Our view of God is the most important thing about us.In the next few weeks we will be reading the book of psalms. This will help your heart capture the correct VIEW of God! I challenge you to examine your view and relationship with God.
Allow God to renew your heart today just by submitting your heart to His care, you cannot move forward into the next victor he has planned for you life until He has your heart!
God has a personalized calling for your life my friends!
I encourage you to read psalm 1... three times today!
Blessings and thanks for your prayers and encouragement in the next few weeks as I prepare for this July 22 conference!
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
JULY 6 Daily Reading
I was away for a week with my family at my dads lake house. A time with family, friends and NO AGENDA or APPOINTMENTS!
During my time away a friend made a comment to me during the beginning of the long week that ringed in my heart the entire Fourth of July weekend.
Friday night while sitting by the lake under the stars, laughing and sharing stories about the good, bad and HARDSHIPS in life... the comment came...
"Heather you are very BLESSED."
This comment was even more powerful because it came from a person that barely knows me.
This was not a random sentence that got lost in between the many other words we shared that night. This sentence stayed with me all weekend long.
HOWEVER, I have experienced HARDSHIPS in life that have dragged me around BUT my Savior always continued to drag me further into His heart, CREATING MY REAL FREEDOM!
Today I want to encourage and strengthen you to remain true to the Faith. We must go through hardships.
HARDSHIPS are "light and momentary troubles that are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all." 2 Corinthians 4:17
When your going through difficulties in life they never seem light or momentary, but remember as we learn in today's reading in ACTS Chapter 14 that Paul is comparing our hardships with an eternal glory.
1. God wants to GIVE US and TEACH us eternal victory by working His glory in a through our hard times
2. SATAN wants to bring us defeat by causing us to struggle and fall
3. Sin and disobedience can be a direct
result of hardships.
Hardships are unavoidable in this life because of the glorious nature of God and the hateful nature of Satan and the daily discipline of self.
I have experienced all three hardships and God always wanted to redirect my energy toward getting to know HIM and LOVE HIM through His word allowing me to be equipped for anything!
Hardships motivated me to redirect my focus from FEAR to FAITHFULNESS.
Our hearts can get very sore from hardships, but still be beating. You are ALIVE my friend and life is still strangely abundant.
Allow God to encourage you through the hardships. My personal hardships taught me how to RESPOND to the ACTIVITY of God. My hardships have brought me into a MORE BLESSED LIFE.
Satan is always wanting to create hardships, this weekend I was thankful for my freedom from past formal sin and reminded that I need to stay wise to avoid anything that would place me close enough to the vacuum to be sucked back in to self created hardships.
May God strengthen you today in your hardships and redirect your focus from fear of the trials to Faithfulness. I also encourage you to be WISE and know where the hardship is coming from.
During my time away a friend made a comment to me during the beginning of the long week that ringed in my heart the entire Fourth of July weekend.
Friday night while sitting by the lake under the stars, laughing and sharing stories about the good, bad and HARDSHIPS in life... the comment came...
"Heather you are very BLESSED."
This comment was even more powerful because it came from a person that barely knows me.
This was not a random sentence that got lost in between the many other words we shared that night. This sentence stayed with me all weekend long.
HOWEVER, I have experienced HARDSHIPS in life that have dragged me around BUT my Savior always continued to drag me further into His heart, CREATING MY REAL FREEDOM!
Today I want to encourage and strengthen you to remain true to the Faith. We must go through hardships.
HARDSHIPS are "light and momentary troubles that are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all." 2 Corinthians 4:17
When your going through difficulties in life they never seem light or momentary, but remember as we learn in today's reading in ACTS Chapter 14 that Paul is comparing our hardships with an eternal glory.
1. God wants to GIVE US and TEACH us eternal victory by working His glory in a through our hard times
2. SATAN wants to bring us defeat by causing us to struggle and fall
3. Sin and disobedience can be a direct
result of hardships.
Hardships are unavoidable in this life because of the glorious nature of God and the hateful nature of Satan and the daily discipline of self.
I have experienced all three hardships and God always wanted to redirect my energy toward getting to know HIM and LOVE HIM through His word allowing me to be equipped for anything!
Hardships motivated me to redirect my focus from FEAR to FAITHFULNESS.
Our hearts can get very sore from hardships, but still be beating. You are ALIVE my friend and life is still strangely abundant.
Allow God to encourage you through the hardships. My personal hardships taught me how to RESPOND to the ACTIVITY of God. My hardships have brought me into a MORE BLESSED LIFE.
Satan is always wanting to create hardships, this weekend I was thankful for my freedom from past formal sin and reminded that I need to stay wise to avoid anything that would place me close enough to the vacuum to be sucked back in to self created hardships.
May God strengthen you today in your hardships and redirect your focus from fear of the trials to Faithfulness. I also encourage you to be WISE and know where the hardship is coming from.
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