Happy New Years to my friends and family, New years is a time to realize more then any other time in our lives that we can never go back.....but we are standing on the edge of new opportunities! God is holding our futures in His hands and He will lead gently lead us, if we let Him!
God holds each of our dreams and destinations. Deuteronomy 11:7 shoes us that the Lord has a destination for us in 2010 it states " A land or destination which the Lord cares; the eyes of the Lord your GOd are always on it, from the beginning of the year to the end of the year"
On new years day, I spent some time with my two girls teaching them about DREAMS! We arecurrently on a family ski trip at Boyne. We decided to go sit up in the mountains and talk about Gods dreams and destinations for our lives. Its never to late or to early to learn how to DREAM and get in line with Gods plans for your life. I want to teach my girls and son to go on adventures with God! He will take you places you never could have imagined by going down paths you never knew existed!
It is all about those divine detours in 2010~ Its important not to not to focus on our wrongs in the past , you won't have energy left for kingdom dreams! Alot of times or plans have to fail in order for Gods plans to succeed!
I know my girls are young but as we sat in the mountains they took their dream journals out and asked God to help them Dream like daughters of the KING! He will lead my girls in the best paths, because they simlpy "asked", I want them to be deteremined to pursue GOD-ORDAINED passions until they day they die!
I am excited about the New year. It will consist of alot of CHANGES for our family. We are prepared for God to disrupt the routine of our lives. When God wants us to expereince a change in perspective, He often does it via change in scenery. The BAXTER FAMILY IS GOING ON AN ADVENTURE IN 2010,we will be moving......A CHANGE OF PACE AND A CHANGE OF PLACE WILL EQUAL A CHANGE OF PERSPECTIVE.
Its so easy to focus on what God wants to do through us that we neglect what God wants to do in us! The Lord has something to teach Heather in 2010.
God told Moses in the book of Exodus to "Throw down His staff to the ground" A shepherds staff was a six foot wooden rod that was curved at the end. It funtioned as a walking stick, a weapon, a prod to guide his flock. The staff symbolized his security, it was part of his identity (a shepherd), his title, his job and his relational security because he worked for his father n law!
Has GOd ever called you to throw something down???? IT can be hard to let go and lay down. It feels like you are letting go of your future and plans. It feels like you are loosing what is important for to you. But this is when you discover who you really are! When you lay down an old identity in 2010 you will discover a new identity! If Moses held onto his staff he would not have experienced all the new miricals! Where do we find our identity? in a title? paycheck? ministry? a degree? a name? There is nothing wrong with these things as long as you can "throw them down" What is the staff that God wants you to trow down in 2010? Can you do it?
I promise God has new miricales for you! I know he has great things for me and my family and I am excited to always be on an adventure with God!
Throw down your staff, come out of the cage and DISCOVER the adventure on the far side of routine!
I will continue to blog my adventure in 2010~please stay connected with me on this blog,I love to hear from you! I am going to miss my friends, church and ministry but God has asked me to lay some things down and I am not to pick it up until He commands! Things will become new for me and my family!
Happy New Year
Heather Baxter!
Isaiah 43:18 "Do not remember the former things, nor consider the things of old, Behold, I will do a new thing!"
"The will of God will invovle a daring decision that seems unsafe or even insane. But if you have the guts to climb the cliff, the wild goose(holy spirit) will meet you at the the top" this came from a great book called The Wild Goose Chase by Mark Batterson, I highly suggest this book for your 2010 reading along with The bible!
Look forward to seeing you at "DICOVER THE DREAM" CONFERENCE January 23 10am-3pm
Tyrone Hills Golf course in Fenton, Michigan
www.hiswow.net for more details!