Monday, October 10, 2011



the Lord brought my attention to a passage that continues to shape my life as a Christian.

So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness. See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the basic principles of this world rather than on Christ. Colossians 2:6-8 NIV

Aspen trees are connected though a central root system and are the largest living organisms on earth. Like Christians connected to Christ and through Christ to one another. Supposedly the roots are representative of the branches in a 1:1 ratio. So as I grow deeper, being deeply rooted, there are more branches of my life which will bear fruit.

This is how I desire to live as a Christian, connected with deep roots to Jesus and to my brothers and sisters in Christ.

Deep roots are going to lead me to an abundance of fruit and an abundance of fruit is characterstic of the abundant life of Christ.

 Deep roots of knowing the truths of God’s Word intimately and being obedient to them will protect me from being swept away by the struggles and sin that will entice you in this life.

I look forward to my weekly small group and weekly church service because as a believer and I have been working to sink my roots deeper and deeper into God through his word and his ways.
I am big on the Bible. I am persuaded the WORD changes me!

 As a Christian, not only do I need to have one but I need to read it and study what’s in it.

 Stay rooted.  The tree that survives through drought, windstorms, and floods is the tree that has its roots down deep.  Even so, those of us who have our spiritual roots deeply anchored in Jesus will come out ahead!

Where are you rooted? do you have a good church home?
Do you have a small group? Do you attend any bible studies?

I had a friend tell me last year when she was going through some storms... that the "church" stuff was not her thing. My response was "You cannot afford for it to not be your thing!"

People are rooted in so many areas like our careers, sport teams, relationships and social networks yet some never invest in their faith! I know its easy to get off track in these areas but I have noticed that Gods word keeps me on track.
Take time to let today's word stir your heart to move toward change.


-Stay Rooted Col. 2:7-